İnsanın filetik evriminde kol/bacak iskeletinin oransal ilişkisi: Aslantepe, Ilıpınar ve Iasos toplumlarının analizi

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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü


In this thesis which both theoretical and practical (applied) methods were used, first of all, proportional relation of extremity length of Hominidea in the philogenetic evolution is discussed, then a biometrical study is implemented on skeletal material from late Roman-early Byzantine Arslantepe, Ilıpınar (Byzantine) and Iasos (Byzantine) which are the archaeological samples of HomoSsapiens sapiens from Anatolia.The relative proportion of the extremities had undergone many important changes in the process of hominisation (becoming human). Through the anatomical changes started with bipedalism, which freed hands from walking, the relationship between the skeleton of the upper and lower extremity and the development of the volume of the brain gradually caused to the bio-cultural evolution of human.The morphometric changes in the skeletal structure, which humans developed against the environmental conditions during the evolutionary process, are clearly seen in the measurements of the upper and lower limb bones and relative proportions of these bones.The relative proportions of the extremities of the modern humans are widely varied depending on the life-styles, environmental and genetic factors. From this point of view, the relative proportions of the extremities from late Roman and early Byzantine populations from different parts of Anatolia are studied in this thesis.The proportional relationships of upper and lower limb bones are analyzed biometrically by five different measurements which are taken from the extremities of 99 skeletons and 5 indexes calculated from these measurements. The SPSS analysis are performed in order to determine whether the brachial, crural and intermembral indexes, which display the proportional relationship of these bones, show any significant differences depending on a) to sex and b) to regions.As a result of this study, the measurements and indexes of male samples of Aslantepe, Ilıpınar and Iasos populations, which not necessarily show any significant differences statistically, gave relatively higher figures compared to the female samples of the same populations.The comparison of these populations upon regions, again not necessarily show any significant differences statistically, but it has been found that the mean averages of indexes calculated for Ilıpınar (Marmara Region) and Iasos (Aegean Region) are very similar, while Aslantepe (Southeastern Anatolia) has different values (lower mean average indexes) compared to these populations.The scientific results, which will be attained by the increase of the quantity of morphometrical analysis on the ancient Anatolian populations, will enhance our knowledge about evolutionary relationships of human with his close and distant relatives in the evolutionary tree.



