II. Dünya Harbi'nde (1939-1945) the New York Times'a göre Amerikan kamuoyunun Türkiye'ye bakışı

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Türk İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü


This research was carried out with a view to;1- Firstly analyzing the viewpoint of the US public opinion towards Turkeyand the Turkish people during World War II as reflected in the daily newspaper TheNew York Times, which is a prominent press organ that considerably represents theUS public opinion,2- Providing concrete evidence to the reflections of this viewpoint to the Tur-key-US relations in the post-war era as well as to the rationales of the policies im-plemented at that period,3- Pointing out that the policies implemented in the post-war period will anddoes have reflections in the present-day era.Prior to the Introduction, the definition of the study?s subject as well as theimportance of the issue is tried to be presented, and the methodology used during thestudy is explained. Afterwards, the elements founding and shaping the public opinionas well as the influence of the public opinion is put forward and information regard-ing the US public opinion and its analysis is provided.The Introduction comprises analysis regarding the grounds and course ofWorld War II, important meetings realized during the war and Turkey?s foreign pol-icy during this period.The first chapter analyzes the viewpoint of the US public opinion towardsTurkey and the Turkish people according to The New York Times newspaper ?In thePeriod of German Superiority in Europe (between September 1, 1939 and June 22,1941)?.The second chapter analyzes the viewpoint of the US public opinion towardsTurkey and the Turkish people according to The New York Times newspaper ?In thePeriod of Balance (between June 22, 1939 and February 28, 1943)?.The third chapter analyzes the viewpoint of the US public opinion towardsTurkey and the Turkish people according to The New York Times newspaper ?In thePeriod of Allied Superiority (from March 1, 1943 until the end of the war)?.The Conclusion chapter contains evaluations regarding the treaties endingWorld War II and the developments shaping our world in the post-War era.In preparation for this study; primarily The New York Times newspaper,books, articles and encyclopedias concerning the subject were analyzed; master anddoctorate thesis studying different dimensions of the issue were studied; and themethodology of similar studies carried out on different subjects were also observed.



New York Times', Türkiye'ye bakış, İkinci Dünya Savaşı, ABD Kamuoyu
