Musul meselesinde petrol faktörü
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Türk İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü
Mosul, had been occupied by England in 1918 according to the rules of theMondros Cease-fire Treaty. After that, the fate of Mosul was discussed at Lausanne.The Lausanne Conference of 1922-23 was organised by the major European powers.Mosul issue was presented at historical, racial, political, economic and strategicreasons as to why Mosul should either be included in Turkey or in the Iraqi Kingdomby Turkish delegate and English delegate. No agreement was being reached atConference. By time they came up on an agreement on June 5th, 1926 with thesigning of the Anglo-Turkish-Iraqi Treaty in Angora. Article 14 of this treaty wasintended to mollify the Turks. It states that the ?Iraq Government shall pay to theTurkish Government for a period of twenty-five years from the coming into force ofpresent Treaty ten per cent on all royalties which it shall receive from the TurkishPetroleum Company?.Oil has taken the key role on the state of the Mosul. And we have seen that oilpursuits in Mesopotamia were concentrated in Mosul just after the Treaty. In thisthesis we have studied on the how the oil effects the Mosul Question during thenegotiations and payments coming from the royalty for a period of twenty-five years.
Turkish Petroleum Company, Musul, Musul Petrolleri